Nong Shim
Company is the leading and largest manufacturer of foodstuffs in
South Korea. More than ten enterprises are included into its structure
which cover all spectrum of industrial activity, beginning from
preparation of raw material and finishing the delivery of production
to consumers.
For the last forty years the company is engaged in
creation and promotion of new food products on the world market to
satisfy better the needs of customers. The company has won the world
recognition due to the high quality of its goods.
The factory located in the city of
Ansang has the greatest industrial line in the world. This factory
produces seasonings which are further used in the whole line of Nong
Shim products. The secret of the success of these seasonings is in the
use of thoroughly selected natural components. The system of vacuum
drying at low temperature for safety of natural taste, color and a
smell of initial components is used at manufacturing. The
technological process is made under the control of intellectual
computer systems which allows to support high quality of production
The factory in the city of Anjjang produces 1,5 million
packings of noodles a day. By its manufacturing fresh palm oil which
meets the highest requirements of consumers is used. The hygienic
control is carried out 24 hours a day 7 days a week, therefore the
safety of production is guaranteed. Noodles are produced at very low
humidity of 4 - 6 % in which microorganisms cannot develop, that
finally enables not to use additional preservatives and additives.
The factory manufacturing snacks and
sweets, located in the center of the city of Gumi, is the most
high-technological manufacture in Nong Shim Corporation. Products
manufactured on such equipment, will taste as if they were prepared in
a refined restaurant. The technological process includes all stages
from preparation of raw material up to final packing. The factory
produces 500 packs of snacks per minute which is a unique achievement
in this field.
We are proud to say, that this factory
is one of most "intellectual" in the world, using technology "hi-gh-tech".
The information goes through a computer network providing high quality
of production under any conditions. One Japanese journalist after
visiting this manufacture Нонг Шим has written about the impressions
in a local newspaper the following: This is the most intellectual
manufacture in the world which manufactures products under the
supervision of computer systems.
The production of Nong Shim company has been improved
for forty years and has constantly passed technological examination.
Nong Shim was the first company to work out products in the packs
convenient for a dietary nutrition and it continues to create new
tastes which satisfy the highest international standards.
Nong Shim is also introducing new methods in
manufacture of frozen noodles as the product of the future. Taking
into consideration their 40 years experience Nong Shim Company was the
first in the world to create technological lines which have no
analogues in the world market, and are the "know-how" technology.
Frozen noodles Nong Shim is ready to the use in 1 minute after her{it}
to fill with boiled water, and has even more sated and natural taste,
than traditional dry. The frozen noodle Nong Shim is ready 1 minute it
was filled with boiling water, and it tastes even more saturated and
natural than traditional dry noodle.
The use of instant products and
seasonings Nong Shim is the best way for giving food domestic taste.
Besides, it is always fast, simple and convenient.